Hi, I'm Laura Bejder!

I am a Danish data and visual journalist with experience covering politics, business, and finance in the US and Europe.

I've worked as the data intern at Bloomberg News and previously, I used data to cover Danish and European politics at one of Denmark’s leading online political news outlets altinget.dk. I am a graduate of Columbia Journalism School, where I completed a Master's in Data Journalism.

I love anything involving data analysis and graphics, and I am excited to use those tools to find and tell stories. In my free time, I love to turn any creative idea into knitwear

Reporting and Data Journalism

Striking UAW Workers Are Losing the Race Against Inflation

Bloomberg News

I collected the historical wages of UAW auto workers from union contracts and adjusted them by various inflation indices to show how the real wages have declined over the past decades – prior to the most recent UAW auto agreements.

Tools:  Python/pandas